Hey guys, I know I haven't written to you in a while. But now it's just gotten to the point where nothing new is going on and I have nothing to write about, at least jaw surgery wise. I saw Disney on Ice though on Saturday, and cried within like the first 20 minutes, seeing as I'm just such a Disney lover. I'm not quite sure what I'm allowed to chew yet, so I've only been spoiling myself and chewing the odd thing. But for the most part, I'm keeping it off limits even though it's almost been 11 weeks. Just to kill some space I'll post a video of it! I'm going to Las Vegas in February, so I'm definitely looking forward to that. I'm pretty sure all my swelling is gone. And for those of you who can't chew and have a craving for chips, buy noname sour cream and onion flavoured rings, or their fluffy cheezies. They're amazing and they just dissolve! Except I think noname's a canadian company, so you'd have to find the alternative. If you're patient try golden oreos.
I went to my 9 week post-op yesterday (Wednesday), and it was extremely quick. I went in, he asked me to bite than open several times, and then added a new elastic to the left side of my jaw. No biggie. :) I've essentially been a tornado, I'm still only allowed to chew wonder bread. But this doesn't stop me, I destroy any food that crosses me. Pizza, Filet O Fishes( YUM, MCDS), fries, sandwiches. All I need is a fork and knife and my swallowing whole skills. Except for when it comes to toast, muffins, cupcakes and other soft pastries because my ripping power can come into play. I eat a whooole lot of toast, I just missed it so much. Exams are very close, but I'm pretty excited. A new semester is soon to come. There's nothing too new to say! I can bite out of toast tho, its no trouble!
Wow, it feels like it's been ages! I've been procrastinating a bit. But I'm also a busy bee. Once again, I did say that I'd be posting every week. Its week 8 already today! I actually had my week 7 appointment on Tuesday, and week 8 appointment today. My surgeon keeps switching my elastics around. I had 2 elastics in the front for a while, and square elastics in the back to pull together my bite. On Tuesday that was changed to two elastics on either side of my mouth. And today it was changed to 2 elastics on the right side of my mouth. Barely any at all! I'm pretty sure all of my swelling is down. Obviously pain is gone, has been for a while. I'm still swallowing whole. Some items I've been able to conquer, are: lightly toasted toast, pizza, hamburgers (YUM), fries, cupcakes, and some Christmas desserts. There might be others, but I can't quite remember. Lately I've been eating a lot of toast, with either delish butter or peanut butter and jam. It's very nice for a change, but that's about it! I'll update you guys next week. :)