DAY 56

Wow, it feels like it's been ages! I've been procrastinating a bit. But I'm also a busy bee. Once again, I did say that I'd be posting every week. Its week 8 already today! I actually had my week 7 appointment on Tuesday, and week 8 appointment today. My surgeon keeps switching my elastics around. I had 2 elastics in the front for a while, and square elastics in the back to pull together my bite. On Tuesday that was changed to two elastics on either side of my mouth. And today it was changed to 2 elastics on the right side of my mouth. Barely any at all! I'm pretty sure all of my swelling is down. Obviously pain is gone, has been for a while. I'm still swallowing whole. Some items I've been able to conquer, are: lightly toasted toast, pizza, hamburgers (YUM), fries, cupcakes, and some Christmas desserts. There might be others, but I can't quite remember. Lately I've been eating a lot of toast, with either delish butter or peanut butter and jam. It's very nice for a change, but that's about it! I'll update you guys next week. :)
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