Monday, December 31, 2012
New Years Eve (Day 46)
Hey guys, still here. Happy New Year!! Honestly there is nothing new going on right now. Just work and relax time. My next appointment is on Tuesday January 8th. So I will know more by then. I asked my surgeon and he told me I can try chewing things as soft as wonder bread OCCASIONALLY So I have tried a couple times, but it's pretty awkward and weird. Anything I tried to chew, like bread with melted cheese on it, or blueberry scones from Starbucks, I just became impatient and swallowed whole. It's just too weird of a motion to grasp. Today for dinner, Kris' family and I had cheese bread and Domino's pizza. I just cut my pizza into squares with a fork and knife shoved it down my throat. Very nice for a change, pasta is getting annoying. I also ate like 5 chips, I'd take off tiny pieces and moisten them as much as I could, than try to chew them into smaller pieces. I add more to this tomorrow, so stay around. It's late and I'm tired. :)
Thursday, December 27, 2012
Days 40-42
Day 40 (Christmas)
Around 10-11 we started opening our stockings, we had a late start because we were waiting for my step-brother Zach and his girlfriend to come. My parents go all out on stockings, lots of gifts in them. To start off the morning, my Christmas sweater was also missing because my sister used it to wrap one of my gifts. But I was so excited to wear my Christmas sweater. Fortunately it was the first gift I opened. Got a lot of roots clothing and other useful things, plus $175 for Costa Rica from mom. After we opened all the gifts they started on making pancakes and bacon. We make our pancakes 100% homemade, no mixes, so they were delicious. I had 5 pancakes, they were extremely easy to swallow whole too. At around 1pm, our dad picked us up to take us to his place. Opened stockings and gifts. Got my new curling wand, yay, and around $110 in cash from dad for the Costa Rica trip. After finishing at my dads, we drove back into London to go to my grandmas. In total I collected about $50ish, and of course gifts on top of that (my dads side has like 6 relatives). My grandma's only 87, but were pretty sure she's getting a small case of Alzheimers. She's been getting the past mixed up with the present, and isn't thinking straight. She also has a really bad memory and a difficulty understanding anything, as in you tell her something and 2 minutes later she forgets. You wouldn't believe how many times she asked me what I was cooking on the stove (Sidekicks) in a 7 minute interval. I ate some strawberries in strawberry juice for dessert, and also had some normal soft white bread with margarine on top. After the gathering we went home and watched a movie.
Day 41 (Boxing Day)
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diamond necklace |
he's blinking, oh well |

Day 42 (Thursday)
I had froot loops and left over pancakes from Christmas today for lunch. Nothing too special to talk about happened though. I went to my dads and we had his noodles (the spice we use on them don't have a name) and chicken strips for dinner. I just cut the chicken strips into smaller pieces and swallowed. We ended up watching a movie, and of course I had a little bit of popcorn.
Wednesday, December 26, 2012
Day 37-39
Day 37 (Saturday)
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work, nice fat gap :) |
Breakfast = Soggy Cinnamon Toast Crunch
Before we went out for lunch, around 10, I was the only one up and the bell rang. I went to the door and it was a door to door salesman selling security systems. He was most likely in his mid twenties. When I went to answer the door, his eyes widened and he got really nervous. He was trying to tell me what he was stuttering so much that I couldn't even understand what he was saying. I had no idea what he was saying and saw my mom coming down the stairs, so I sent her to speak to him. I told her "I think he's selling something to do with security, but it's hard to understand". She told him we already had one and sent him away.
Lunch = French Toast and Toast w/ Jam at Harry's with the family.
I went into work at 2, and was sitting in the staff room. I guy comes in and said something about just finishing his second job. I was looking at him thinking about how much he looks like the guy that came into my house in the morning. So I said, "did you come to my house this morning?", and he looked at me for a while and said "oh yeah, I did, I didn't even recognize you". So odd coincidence that I work with him and didn't know it. I worked until 6:30 and it was a pretty fun shift. It wasn't too busy as far as christmas time goes. I was able to take orders on drive thru again, seeing as that's my zone and I got my splint off Friday. We're supposed to upsell at the end of every order, except I don't always do it, because some people have huge orders and are already spending enough money. A customer gave their order and at the end of it I asked them if they'd like 2 apple pies for $1.39. They said yes and I became quite excited over the headset and said "really?!" and they said yes. As I told them to come to the first window, a co-worker Maddie said over the headset that my reaction was pretty funny. As they came to the window, it ended up being my old neighbors, and they said that they were feeling like apple pie when I offered it to them, so it was perfect. My dad picked me from work and we had chicken rice and garlic bread for dinner. I also had some banana pudding pie for desert.
Day 38 (Sunday)
Day 39 (Christmas Eve)
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yay, nice fixed gap! |
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almost done mcgriddle bun (rhymes) |
lots of snacks |

Saturday, December 22, 2012
Day 34-36
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I look creepy, no biggie |
Nothing too special happened this day, so that's why I decided to combine it with two other days! I warned you guys about this :) After school my mom drove my sister and I to the places we needed to go to get Christmas shopping done. I also went to Michaels and saved 50% off something amazing that I can't mention yet. Has to do with my secret project. My mom took us to Loblaws to get a quick dinner. I got some asian noodle dish, wasn't that great tho... When we were at the counter I had told the guy what I wanted, and he understood what I said (like most people). But my mom always making jokes, said hey, you understand broken jaw-ese. And he was actually, I was wired shut for 3 weeks. So he coincidentally also had jaw surgery. I went to the Grand Theatre with my sister to see Miracle on 34th Street in the nighttime, and that's about it.

Day 35 (Thursday)
I wasn't sure on posting this, so I checked out other blogs to see how much they said and it turns out this information might be helpful to someone. I'd just like to say it is the five week mark today, and I was successfully able to kiss my boyfriend, not pecking though, that was easy, even though I couldn't feel it for a while. You know what I mean, I'm trying not to weird anyone out, but I could finally kiss him! Yaayyy :) I had kraft dinner and butterscotch pudding for dinner and chilled at his house. After words I saw the Guilt Trip with my mom. It was actually extremely good, go see it. I ate two chocolate bars and a few pieces of popcorn. I also got my schedule for work today, I was super nervous, but I only got scheduled from 5pm-8pm on Christmas day, and Saturday and Sunday. Im going to try to get rid of my shift Christmas day seeing as I'm at my grandmas. My boyfriend (who was bragging about booking it off) got screwed over, and they pretty much scheduled him, Christmas day, Boxing day, Thursday and Sunday. So that really sucks for him. I also ate Kraft dinner, cinnamon toast crunch and two poached eggs with hollandaise sauce (eggs benedict) for lunch. Here's a picture of the size of the bites I was swallowing whole!

Day 36 (Friday)
I woke up, happy to see lots of snow. Turns out the predicted winter storm came over night. I go on facebook and everyone's posting "I'm still alive"! When we left to drive to my appointment we picked up Kris too. We got lost on the way to the Interface in St. Thomas. I got my splint off, and my elastics were arranged differently, there was some pressure (kind of painful) on the left side of my mouth. I had to get used to talking again without a splint. I also sounded like I was on helium. Because my splint made my voice deeper, and now with my new mouth, and no splint, my voice is really high pitched to me. Kinda sounds cute, along with my gap which gives a light lisp, which I also think is cute. I struggled to put eggs benedict in my mouth, because of the new elastic arrangement being in the way. At 130 I went to my orthodontist to get my wire on. And fortunately they decided to put one weaker elastic on the left side of my mouth which took away most of the pressure. I really like my new no splint face / voice in the whole of it. With my overbite I always looked horrible. Haha, here's a picture I took from the orthodontist's computer. I still had a tinge of helium to my voice by the end of the day, but I do believe that's just my new voice, sounds pretty close to my old one, but a tad cuter. It's nice to sound crisp again. My teeth have been feeling stiff, but I do realize that's just the braces doing their job. I also worked 4-8pm with Kris. Thanks to the storm it wasn't busy at all, which made it a great shift! I had a caramel sundae while waiting for Kris to finish his shift. And also, one of the girls at work named Marissa said she could take both of our Christmas day shifts. Yay! But this is all for today, sorry about posting so late, I'm just a busy bee.
Tuesday, December 18, 2012
Day 33
Hey guys, I'm running out of more things to say each day! Pretty soon I might start doing weekly updates, seeing as in 2 days it'll be 5 weeks since my surgery, and after 5 weeks its pretty normal. Buuut, I will definitely start doing daily updates the minute I'm allowed to chew, because that's important. I'm just not quite there yet, so I'm in the same situation everyday and I hate to bore you guys. :) As you all know I'm addicted to cinnamon toast crunch frootloops, so I'm constantly snacking on those. I also dug into the Halloween candy box and ate some gummies by tearing them in half. I ate sidekicks harvest chicken rice for lunch for a change. And for dinner I ate my moms homemade chicken sate (peanut butter-ish flavour) with rice. I just cut the chicken into small pieces and swallowed. I'm definitely becoming pro at this. It'll be hard to start chewing again once I can. I ate some chocolate pudding as a snack too. Kris came over after school, and we pretty much swapped between our two shows we like to watch (Community, and a new show I just found called Suburgatory). Suburgatory definitely isn't an amazing show, but I've watched all of Desperate Housewives, Gossip Girl, Pretty Little Liars and many other awesome series, and I'm running out of good dramatic shows. Although Kris and I have also been watching Dexter, which is very good. So, I got Kris' schedule for work, and apparently I copied it down wrong, we dropped him off at work for 7-10, than left to see a movie, but turns out he wasn't working! My bad... The movie we saw was called "Playing for Keeps", I'm sure most of you have heard of it. It was very good, and it's two toonie tuesday, so 4$ admission! We had a groupon so I got an aero bar, which I melted down pretty quickly. I also ate some popcorn, which I'm getting better at as well. Oh, little story, when I was carrying the pops (or sodas in America) to the seats, I had to check which one was rootbeer, and actually took a small sip from the straw by instinct. Which is allowed, it's just it was the first time I succeeded at doing it. But the ironic part is, I cant drink from a straw like a normal person, I kinda have to treat it like a syringe and either shove it to the back of my mouth, or put it in between my upper lip and front teeth (which is weird) and use whatever suction I can. I'm not very good at it, but it's a start. Right now, I'm just at home and as always am going to head to my cozy bed. Hopefully I covered everything today, so night!
Monday, December 17, 2012
Day 32
Hey guys! I feel pretty good today. I had a really deep sleep last night, so deep that when I woke up my first thought was where am I? Kind of mixed up my dream with reality... Anywho, I ate frootloops for breakfast and got my math test back. I pretty much almost failed it, like everyone else in the class. I came home for lunch, and decided to make some white cheddar macaroni. I also had cinnamon toast crunch for desert. Yum. I went to my last class, in which I had an exam, and most likely got 96% on it, again, because those exams are just too easy. Hence the reason I have a 98 in the course. Came home again, and had frootloops as a snack. Which lasted me until 6, which is when I had leftovers from lunch for dinner. I went to the grocery store with my mom, and bought all sorts of new kinds of sidekicks, and lots of pre-packaged sauces. Like alfredos, butter chicken, butter herb chicken, oriental, sundried tomato parmesan, szechuan, cheese and beef stroganoff. Than for the sidekicks I got a bunch of different flavours too! I'm to my JA meeting tonight, last one before the break. And we'll be working on production. If you're wondering what I did between after school and dinner, I pretty much worked on my secret project and watched the voice. At ja, we just did production, blah blah nobody cares. Now I'm home and eating more leftovers for lunch before I head to bed! I love how everyday this becomes less and less of a jaw surgery blog. But that's just because I'm in no pain or anything, I'm mostly normal. :)
Sunday, December 16, 2012
Day 31
Today I worked 8am-3pm. A dreadful 7 hour shift. I ate froot loops for breakfast. It was extremely busy, which made everyone grumpy again, which means yelling, and me yelling back. Cause I've worked there for a year, got employee of the month, and have seniority. During my break I heated up some kd I made in the morning and ate some of that. Afterwards I came home and finished the rest of it. Than I started to prepare for the gift exchange gathering. My boyfriend and his friends were actually on time for 4, so I stayed upstairs putting all the snacks in bowls and cutting cheese and setting crackers. Than I brought it downstairs, and soon after we did the gift exchange. Luckily I ended up with candy which was my goal. I melted two reese peanut butter cups in my mouth, and broke gummie bears into tiny pieces to swallow, and also had cinnamon toast crunch. The rest is for when I can chew again. My mom said she was going out for dinner with my sister, so I told her to bring me some spaghetti home. I beat all the guys at fuseball, cause I'm just a champ. So far the guys are still here and were watching Home Alone. The rest of the night was nothing special, so I'll spare you guys. Everyone left at 9, and now were about to decorate the christmas tree. My mom brought me spaghetti, soup and garlic bread from East Side Marios (since she ate out with my sister). Anywho, that's all for today.
Day 30
I worked at 7am this morning to 11am and for breakfast I ate frootloops. It was an extremely stressful shift. My mom took me out to lunch, and I ate 3 pieces of french toast, and 2 pieces of toast in 12 minutes. See? That's pretty good for swallowing whole, practice makes perfect guys. I honestly don't understand how 3 tiny boxes of cereal cost 17$ but they did. And it'll be worth it, plus its my moms money. I ate some leftover kd as a snack, than apple sauce and mr.noodles for dinner. Plus cinnamon toast crunch for desert. And through out all of that I did homework and watched tv. It was a good day to relax, I also worked on my secret project, which is projecting very well, haha, get it... I really don't have much to report, I'm still taking no advil, and looking forward to christmas. I have a dreadful 8am-3pm shift tomorrow, so it'll be interesting to see how much I starve. Seeing as the one thing mcdonalds doesn't have is pasta! :( I'm sorry about posting this early in the morning, but sometimes sleep is more important, and I know you guys don't mind because either way, I post it while (most) of you are sleeping. I've noticed some people from venezuela and the u.k. have recently looked at my blog, so hello there :) you might be finding this current post boring, so I suggest checking out weeks 1-3, that's when I actually talk more about the surgery because I was still in a little pain back then!
Saturday, December 15, 2012
Day 29
Guys, I can't believe I never said this before. But I just have to, the key to recovery is getting to your normal routine as soon as possible. I know some of you may think sleeping all day for weeks is the trick but its not! I had recovery time for a week, the first 4 days I slept, than I started to catch up on lost homework and stay up most of the day. It feels great. It gives you such a positive excitement. Because you know that if you can do this on day 5. Think about what you could do on day 15! The more you do in a day, the faster time goes, so no pity parties. Get back to school or your job on week 2. Learn and adapt to dealing with whatever may be complicating. Use a cloth, wear a sign, I don't care. Tell the world you got jaw surgery a week ago, and you're not going to waste any second. Sleeping all day makes time go by so slow, its dreadful. Get up and go outside, seriously. I just had to say this, because what saved me from my jaw surgery was returning back to my normal life. Being at school, gave me a schedule and gave me something to do. It gave me a chance to teach people about jaw surgery and talk to people and relate. I went back to my job after 2 weeks, I dealt with my issues. I positively tell people that I have a cloth because I drool because I got jaw surgery. And they understand, they admire me from coming back to work, calling me brave and saying that they didn't expect me back so soon. Honestly, just embrace every second, the less you do in a day, the worse you feel. And get on swallowing whole as soon as you can, it saved me, legit saved me. I can eat in public and fit a spoon in my mouth. My mouth has become stronger and despite the elastics can open wider. I've learned to swallow everything whole, and eat pasta or ice cream in public. I accidentally drooled when I ate ice cream yesterday, but what I noticed was, I didn't see the drool, I felt it, on my chin! I felt it on my chin. Most people who get what I got (various relatives, friends and coworkers) waited a year! So yay me! I really want you guys to know, when I started my surgery I was in such a rut. It was horrible, I couldn't swallow water, I lived off of chicken broth, and I cried every single day. It is so much to take in. But now despite not being able to chew, and still drooling the odd time. I feel normal, and I keep forgetting I had jaw surgery. Its like a dream, I waited so many years. And now its done. I can eat and drink in public (trust me I still spill, but that's what my cloth is for, and I catch it before people notice). I know I'm such a blabber-mouth, but I can't help but be so excited. I've made it this far, and its so easy now. I have my routine, I can swallow anything whole, and gosh, it just tastes so good. Plus I'm just so excited for christmas and I applied to all my universities. This is just such a big year, and I made it! I just I don't even know. I guess I have so much to say, so ill stop, I know you get the point. But key points: swallow food whole as soon as you can, things with carbs that keep you full. And find things to substitute for cravings. For me, my sugary cereals substitute for someone else's popcorn or chips. Eat it soggy of course, and get the cereals that have lots of flavour and flavour the milk. I'm so repetitive aren't I... I really just hope that anyone who reads this, just try it out, be as normal as you can. And try soggy cereals for me and tell me your experience!
So today I ate frootloops for breakfast for breakfast, and headed to school, as always. Okay so I honestly don't know what's going on with the weather over here, normally by now its -30 degrees Celsius, and there's snow, but no, there's no snow, its very warm, like 5 degrees Celsius, and birds are flying around tweeting, not hibernating. It feels like spring, I don't get it. I ate three cheese kd and cinnamon toast crunch for lunch. And that's about it I think. I went to see the hobbit with kris today. I ate a whole chocolate bar, bag of gummies and a few pieces of popcorn. So honestly guys, I still can't chew, but that annoying drool and saliva in your mouth can. Use it to your advantage, mines like an army, and eats all the popcorn so fast, like I've trained it. So yeah, don't give up :)
I also went to the mall after the movie, to get my sisters present, moms, dads, and a secret santa present. Sadly my work called and asked me to work 7am tomorrow, and I couldn't say no. So I think its been 2 weeks straight where I haven't slept in once, because I wake up at 6am for work, and 7am for school. At the mall I had chicken teriyaki, and yes, I swallowed it all whole. Hmmm, what else, overall today was productive, and I'm looking forward to my break tomorrow.
Thursday, December 13, 2012
Day 28
hey! So today's been 4 weeks! Its so weird how time went by, I remember being at my first week and thinking I was going to die and reading other peoples blogs that say they're at four weeks. But now its my time. I won't be have my "4 week post-op" until my 5 week post-op, so I guess its a duo post-op. I had frootloops for breakfast. I've lately been having sugar withdrawals, so I eat a lot of cereal and drink a lot of pepsi or ginger ale Which is ironic, because I'm one of those people who calorie counted and worked out and watched fat intake. But seeing as I've had surgery, and can't just bite into an apple anymore, I gave up temporarily. Also if I do work out my jaw bounces up and down. I had my math summative today, and it was actually easy for once in my life. Like the whole class came in saying they were gonna fail, seeing as even the people getting 98's did bad on the test yesterday. Hmm, what else, me and same finished making our prezi presentation for tomorrow. Just in case you guys didn't know I'm still talking funny from the splint, and I think some people find it entertaining. Especially at work when customers are like "whaaat?" And I just say "translate" to whoever's working and they do so. :) I'm sorry I'm always so tired when I post, as you probably don't know I worked 5-9, and to my luck a whole line up came at 9pm, and I had to stay late. I've been having huge sugar cravings for sugar, did I already say that? I did. Haha. Hmmm, I find brushing my teeth makes it all better in the end. I had left over kd, panzerotti and some cinnamon toast crunch. I used to be a bird who pecked at food! Now I'm a devourer. I want to say its because I'm healing and my body needs for energy to do so, but who knows. All I know is when I'm allowed to chew I'm never eating ice cream and any other unhealthy for a veeeery long time, because once I can resume normal life, healthy me is coming back! Good thing is, I haven't gained or lost a pound. But that's only as of now, and I still have a month-ish to go. Gah. Now I'm worried about gaining weight, kind of missing my old life. Anywho, I hope Ill be fine. I had beef stroganoff for dinner. And it wasn't a whole lot either, so I assume its because I ate such a big lunch. Even tho in all honesty, it sounds big, but leftover kd, is very minimal and left over panzerotti is also minimal. What's making me feel over the edge is the 2 sundaes my managers gave me for free. One I got for being friendly, the other one I got at the end of my shift for working hard I assume? I should've said no, but I couldn't resist free ice cream. So yeah, I worked, and ate lots of ice cream. And now I miss all the healthy fruit I used to eat so I'm gonna have home made applesauce or canned peaches. Either way, why is it so hard to find easy to eat healthy food?? Anyways, I'm gonna head to bed. Night !
Wednesday, December 12, 2012
Day 27
Why hello there. I really don't have too much to say today. This morning I ate yummy soggy frootloops for breakfast.I went to class, and we had a super long and hard math test. Honestly I think this teacher will be the death of me, shes really nice, but her tests keep getting harder. Even my friend Andrew (who has like a 95 in Grade 12 Advanced Functions University Course) said it was hard and he didn't finish it either. In my second class we watched this movie called "Black Money" I think, and throughout the whole thing I just wrote notes from my teachers online slideshow the previous day. Than started to work on an assignment Sam and I are presenting Friday. I came home for lunch, and had extra creamy KD and cinnamon toast crunch as my desert. There's still no snow in Canada by the way, I blame global warming. Two years ago, London broke the record for the most amount of snow days, in a row and in general. We probably had around 4 snow days in a row, maybe more, I honestly don't remember. The first 4 were in December, and the next 4 were in January, it was great. Got really behind in school though. My mom recently recalled a story, from two years ago. I was going to head out to school, but all of the steps leading to the ground were filled in snow. Like the snow was probably 4 ft. deep. So I was trying to make my way down the stairs, when I missed a step and full body face-planted into the snow. Hehe, kind of funny right? Maybe not. I'm honestly exhausted and its only 9. Went to my last period class, there was a lesson and afterwards free time for anything. I'm extremely excited for Christmas, it is way too close. Anyways, I came home from school, and not too long after Kris popped out of nowhere. Apparently the bus driver let him off at my house this time (normally he's not allowed, because of liability). So that was unexpected. My mom order us panzerottis from Pizza Pizza. I ate half of it, cutting off pieces and swallowing it whole. It was yummy. For a while Kris and I sat downstairs and I watched flash mob videos and did a little bit of homework. We then watched this movie called "Fight Club" that he's been dying to watch with me. We didn't finish the movie because his parents came though. Which is okay with me, except he wants me to watch the ending of it on my own and I'd rather be with you guys than watch people die. I'm not going to post an update photo today, I'm too tired and I look the same as yesterday. But seeing as tomorrow is jaw surgery and I's one monthaversary, I will tomorrow. So after Kris left I went to my laptop and started writing, slash eating left over KD from lunch. It sticks with me in the night. From all of this pasta, I'm probably the only double jaw surgery patient who hasn't lost a pound. Still 116 pounds according to the scale. Moral of the story, I'm tired so goodnight!
Tuesday, December 11, 2012
Day 26
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This is my new ugly sweater (trending in Canada), isn't it cute? |
Well, well, well. Yet another day of no pain killers! My ears been aching, but I don't think it has to do with jaw surgery so to continue my streak I am avoiding all advil. My secret project for Kris is projecting greatly, better than how I imagined, I will post the pictures when its done and received, but that won't be for a while. This morning in math it was just a catch up day, and we're having a test tomorrow, so wish me luck! In my second class, my friend Sam and I decided to go to Disney on Ice, which comes to London late January. I'm a huge fan of Disney so I'm looking forward to it and knowing I just might be able to chew popcorn by then?? I'm estimating my surgeon will allow me to start chewing around New Years, if not, January 15th the latest cause that'll be 2 months post-op. As of yet, I'm still living on KD, butterscotch pudding, sidekicks, caramel sundaes at work, and delicious soggy cereal (no lie, the cereals taste absorbs into the milk so I still get flavour!). By the way, my "U" button on my laptops keyboard is half broken, I have to slam on it for it to work. GAH. So if I forget a U I'm sorry. Have you guys noticed I apologize a lot? That'd be because of the Canadian stereotype, it's the only few that are true. All Canadians do is apologize. When we accidentally hit a pole, we legit say sorry. It's completely normal, I can't tell you how many poles I've said sorry to by instinct. LEGIT, everyone does, it's hilarious. Another downside of being Canadian and having a broken U button, is that every english word, we add a U too! Flavor (american) becomes flavour. Favorite (american) becomes favourite, and many other words. I think my laptop is trying to be american, yet I assume my laptop is chinese, or korean, seeing as that's where electronics are made. WE LOVE YOU CHINA, you made everything in my house, so thank you for your dedicated hard work. But we all don't want to know what really goes on there, cause its pretty bad. When I say thank you they're probably saying screw you, you destroyed my life. Anywho, I was shifted to work 4-7, but it was a training shift, learning to be a hostess apparently, at McDonalds. They want (the 6 people selected) including me to be role models for the other employees. Aren't I honored, but yeah, the shift ended at 5:30 and I was sent home among everyone else, and still getting payed for 3 hours. I had Mr. Noodles for an after work snack. And I'm predicting Ill have peaches before bed. Because for once in my life, I'm not posting this at 10pm. I believe that's all, wow, I almost told you something I said yesterday, and you already know, so bye. I do a lot of run-on sentences and start a lot of sentences with Because and And, even though it's improper. But I did warn you I was a bad writer in the beginning, so you should of expected it :)
Monday, December 10, 2012
Day 25

Hey ya'll. So today was the first day I took NO advil or pain medication. It's been 3 weeks and 4 days since my surgery. Today at school, there was the whole protest thing. So majority of the students walked out, and I'll post a video from my phone later of how silly it was. I ate whole wheat KD this time for lunch, I just love KD. I had my 3rd week post-op (a bit late). My surgeon checked my mouth and said it was fine. We brought up the splint, and getting it off before Christmas and initially my surgeon said it might be a little too soon (4 weeks and 6 days); but we called the ortho office seeing as the two appointments of taking off the splint (at interface) and replacing it with some wire (ortho) have to be right next to each other and the ortho office told us they're closed from the 22nd to Jan 7th. So apparently my surgeon after hearing that over the phone, changed his mind. I'm getting my splint taken off Dec. 21st at 10:40am. So, should I be happy or sad that the world MIGHT be ending that day? I really don't know cause it would honestly suck, and if I decide it won't happen than it will, right? That's just how it works.
I ate creamy vegetable primavera sidekicks for dinner, and a bowl of frootloops soaked in milk for dessert. I afterwards went to my Junior Achievement thing, and even though this meeting was not productive it was still fun. And now I'm home, very sleepy as always, and running out of things to talk about. I'm very ready for the break, cause waking up at 7am for school, and than waking up for 6am on the weekend is no fun. Even though with my luck I'm gonna be shifted on christmas anyways. Oh well. I think that's all for today, estimated 2 weeks and 5 days till I'm allowed to chew? BRING IT ON KD.
Day 24
Another shift from 7am-11am. Oh yeah, I completely forgot. My mom was in bulk barn the other day and bought me cotton candy, which melts in your mouth, so that's a good idea candy wise. I've been snacking on it today, but despite being a small container didn't eat it all. She also bought me spray candy, she was pretty proud of herself. I tried opening it today, but it was impossible! Truth is though, I just want maynards and licorice all sorts, cause its christmas and everyone else is eating them. And popcorn.. My mom told me the total wait for chewing was probably 2 months, and the splint was 5-6 weeks. So it kinda broke my dreams about even soft cookies and stuff. At the same time when I think about it, it's gonna be hard to chew food again, cause I'm so used to (and super good at) swallowing whole. So after work, I went home and did homework. Which means I did homework, got distracted by youtube and back and forth. Here's a video I stumbled upon, I'm one of those people who just watch audition videos, this lady is legit scary. But kinda funny, I dare you to watch.
Write what you think below? There's never any comments, am I boring, or does no one feel like talking? I mean I know someone's reading this, cause I hit 120 views this morning. There's like 60 people from Canada, 40 people from the US, 4 people from Germany, and 15 people from Australia According to the stats, hey there, who are you guys and how did you find me? Like seriously I started posting in this blog less than a week ago. How'd you stumble upon this? I wanna know, is it google? Btw, guys, besides a slight headache from being tired in the morning, NO PAIN AT ALL, I think I'm free! Its funny, since most of my swelling is down, and I'm getting better at drooling and talking with my splint, I've been starting to feel normal. I'm learning to eat with out making a mess and I can actually eat in public! Yay! Anywho, right when I'm starting to feel like a normal person, the whole eating thing brings me back to reality. I do love my kd though, I just can't get over it, it's helped me a lot, my mom bought tons of different kinds today too. So I'm just really in love with KD right now <3 so I eventually did finish my homework, and what I did to motivate myself was say I'm not allowed to wash my hands or get out of my dirty work uniform until it's done. And I'm one of those people who love washing their hands cause it feels so clean and new. I worry my family sometimes, but I swear there's nothing wrong with me. What else, well as always I'm working on a top secret project. That I can't say cause I don't know if my boyfriend secretly reads the blog and its for him. We tend to do a lot of cheesy projects for each other, we've almost been together for 2 years. Last year at christmas he bought a blank book. And wrote 100 reasons why I love you as the title. And on each page there was 1 reason, all the way to 100. But there's plenty more where that came from... My birthday card from him is I'm just guestimating, I'm about to go to bed so I'm not about to measure it. But it takes up a good chunk of my wall, I'd say its 35 inches by 44 inches. So its big, here's a picture! Yeah, anywho, I consume a lot of time when I do those kinds of gifts for him. So yeah, my mom left for soccer and afterwards we walked down to the village and went to the local pub (yes I live in a place called wortley village, which is in a city of 350 thousand people give or take. Look it up, its beautiful, pretty expensive (many people want to live here), we have one of the biggest houses. I don't know why it was designed to be bigger than every other house, but it is. Its also pleasant, and in the list of "top 15 safest places to live in Canada . Or it was, either way, never any crime, everyone leaves their doors unlocked. Including us, but don't rob us please. Its just its a village atmosphere, everyone knows each other. And I'd pound any kid who came in. One time a teenager came in when the lights were off, he didn't know I was there, I came down the stairs, and he tripped on my shoes that my mom always tells me to not leave in the open. HA, mom there was a purpose. I was home alone, and I screamed at that kid, probably scared the shit out of him, it was a whole other side of me, nothing was stolen, he didn't even get a chance. But ya, the police came and searched all the floors. It was funny one of the cops went down to the basement (half of it is finished and has heated floors and a wii/ps2 ect, and an awesome huge couch, square shaped..) Anywho, he was searching the unfinished parts where all the saws are and its damp looking. Than he yelled up "your basement is really creepy!", which was funny cause he's a cop and all. Wow, this isn't much of a jaw surgery blog as much as it used to be. But really, I write whatever I can that relates to my jaw, like my meals, and my pain. But nothing new is happening. I do have my 3rd week postop on monday though.
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Wow, okay so, I went out for dinner and ate this delicious pasta, by cutting the noodles and chicken in half! It was soooo good, before and after! That's it, I'm dead, goodnight.
Saturday, December 8, 2012
Day 23
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do I work too much? Work uniform, AGAIN, but horrible holes :( |
I am exhausted at the moment from waking up so early on the weekend. Lately the inside of my lips have been hurting a lot, and that's because my brackets literally left imprint wholes in my bottom lip. I took a picture at work to show it, but I'm hesitant on posting it because people might be grossed out by it? I don't know, so sorry ahead of time is you're disturbed by the picture. I quickly thought of an obvious solution to this though, brace wax, of course. SO it's probably going to be my saviour the next few days. After work I waited for Kris to finish work, my father picked us up and we went christmas tree finding. A little before that I ate chopped noodles with this yummy sauce my dad makes. We brought the tree home, and decorated it. I've honestly felt no pain at all today, the only pain was my lip stinging from the holes, and the wax fixed that. After we decorated the tree, I ate chopped spaghetti and got dropped off at Kris' house because his mom wanted to take us to a movie, and we saw Life of Pi. We had these groupons which allowed us to get candy, so I pursued a kitkat bar. It only took an hour and 50 minutes (the four wafer size). I broke off little pieces and let it melt in my mouth/ be attacked by my almost solved drooling issue. :) Ill post more pictures later, it's just I have another 7am shift tomorrow and should head to bed. So as always I'm taking four 10mg non clenching pills and hoping for the best. I'm not sure if I'm forgetting anything. Really once you hit day 3, life goes back to normal-ish. I have my 3rd post-op appointment on Monday once again, so looking for good news. By the way, has anyone been thinking about the world ending in 13 days? I can't decide whether or not to believe it... I want to mentally prepare myself just in case, cause what if something does happen. A lot of things have been happening in my city too, teachers are going on strike, cancelling everything extra curricular, including libraries. So now, on Monday, the students of London, ON are going on strike to raise awareness. I swear, what if this becomes a war? Fortunately the extra curricular teams I WAS going to join, are in spring, so hopefully this all blows over. Or else no more sports or anything. I didn't remember that the world was "supposed" to end, until I had a dream about it ending, super real too. But I truly doubt it, I feel that in Canada we are safe from everywhere else. Because no one gives a crap about us and think we say "eh". Lately I've been saying it for the hell of it, because of the silly stereotypes. By the way, again, it's December 8th in NORTHERN CANADA, and there is not a spec of snow, its like 10 degrees. So I hoped I destroyed any stereotypes about it being cold, because global warming ended that a while ago..
Friday, December 7, 2012
Day 22 (short)
I woke up, and this was the first time my jaw didn't feel stiff. I did try something different tho, I took just 1 Advil before I went to sleep.
I'm trying to think if anything stuck out today. At lunch I finished the leftover KD. Than had my moms homemade vanilla pudding with bananas.
After school, I ate some frootloops soaked in milk for a snack and around 5:30 Kris came over. I ate some parmesan pesto sidekicks for dinner, which was okay. We than went to the Knights game, who none of you have heard of. But its the hockey team for my city. My jaw hasn't really hurt much at all today. And people at school kept telling me my swelling went down a lot since yesterday, but I don't think its really changed. The Knights won 5 to 2. Wooo... Sorry I don't have much to say today, it's been very uneventful. I'm about to eat some homemade apple sauce before I go to bed, and wake up for work at 7am-11am tomorrow. 10 Days of school left tho, yay! I'm so excited, anywho night :)
Thursday, December 6, 2012
Day 21
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update on swelling/hanging with kris :) |
For lunch I ate KD(as always), except it was the extra creamy kind. Which I definitely preferred, especially since I really miss cheese. Gouda cheese. And oh I can't wait to have my gouda, ham, lettuce, tomato, honey mustard sandwiches again <3
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here's me and my progressing smile, I always seem to notice at weird times. (I just finished work and had no makeup on) |
In my last period class, we started a new movie called The Last Castle. Hmm, what else. Well my mom made me lasagna, which was delicious. And I also had (soaked in milk) cinnamon toast crunch. Kris came over and we pretty much fooled around with this program called crazy talk. We watched a movie called "Bad Santa". Wasn't an amazing movie, I definitely prefer disney or DreamWorks films. I ate frootloops (soaked in milk) as a snack, cereal helps keep me sane. Once again as always, incisions feeling a little tingly and jaw a little tender once night time hits. But I've only taken 2 Advil today, at 7am. I didn't have my post-op appointment today, because my surgeon is elsewhere so I'm having it on monday, keep that in mind. I'm looking for good news. Do you guys find that after the worst is over your jaw pops and spasms a lot? My one manager Candace said hers did, but yeah (did I write that yesterday?). I am currently enjoying a pepsi, and I believe that's all for today.
Wednesday, December 5, 2012
Day 20
Well, despite taking the stupid blue pills (they're like 10mg a pill, and bottle says to take 2-5 2 hours before bed time), I'm still waking up stiff in the morning, which according to my surgeon means I'm clenching in my sleep. Ugggh. I ate my usual baby food for breakfast and went to class. My first period class we just assembled all the gifts we bought for families in need for Christmas. My incisions are still stinging a bit. I think it's because earlier in recovery my mouth was numb, but now that it's not I can feel them. In my last class we just watched Braveheart, nothing special. I really want to eat a special k bar or granola bar, does anyone know of ways to eat them? Cause I just really want one. Omg, so guess what. My mom is committed to making me happy, so I went to the grocery store to buy butterscotch pudding, canned peaches, cinnamon toast crunch and froot loops. And I left the cinnamon toast crunch to soak in milk and could swallow it! Tasted good too.
I finished the leftovers of my kd and chicken/broccoli sidekicks for dinner. And went to work for 7-10. Except I got let off an hour early (yay) and they gave me a free sundae. My jaws been popping and spasming a lot lately, like a lot a lot. But according to my manager Candace who also got the surgery it's normal. But very annoying I must say. I've been starting to feel my jaw bone being sore too. Any who, I am going to bed now :)
updates on swelling? idk :p
Tuesday, December 4, 2012
Day 19 (lots of pictures!)
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cant rotate :( |
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click to enlargen! |
Woke up stiff. Clearly the clenching drugs aren't doing their job. Really hoping I don't relapse. Despite being Dec 4, in northern Canada there's no snow on the ground, and its pretty warm (light jacket weather). My sinuses haven't been acting up, not sure if that's because of the sinus pill or not. Once again, the incisions in my mouth, underneath my splint are feeling stingy, so not an immense pain, but I wonder why. I ate my usual baby food for breakfast today, I can't wait till I can eat cereal again. My mom says she'll buy me whatever I want so I'm thinking lucky charms or cinnamon toast crunch, or Reese pieces cereal, I don't know, there's so many options! My mom never buys sugary foods, so it'll be a treat. I went to the grocery store at lunch because we ran out of KD, mom gave me 20$ to spend and this is what I got :) I ate most of the KD three cheese today, the noodles aren't macaroni in that one, they're like puny shell noodles. In my last period class, my teacher is just awesome, his teaching methods and stuff, he just understands. Which is funny cause he's this body builder who used to play for some national football team. He always tells us stories about how many times he wanted to beat some kid up for being rude. So it's ironic how he's a good teacher. But he just is. He was teaching us leadership theories today, and here's a picture he drew to teach it. Keep in mind this is a grade 12 academic class that has juumbo gorilla and turtle stuffed animals on the floor for people to lay on when we watch movies. I have a 98 in the course, but I'm actually learning things and you have to do all the work. Any who after class I went to Kris' house and actually ate a whoole package of honey garlic sidekicks. In my past like I wasn't eating 3 times a day so this never happened. But good thing about pasta is filling carbs and lots of calories and fat. Which seeing as I don't get enough of it in a day now anyways, who cares, gives me energy. So we just chilled, watched of Goodfellows before we got kicked out, than did homework. It all felt pretty productive. Still no pain at 8pm, and I took 2 Advil at 7am, what does that tell you? Yeah, that's pretty much it for today. The rest is just shower and sleep nonsense.
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working on my smile! |
Day 17-18
I woke up, and tried to make my breakfast the way my mom does. Sadly it was a frustrating fail, so I went out for brunch with my family. I slowly swallowed french toast dipped in syrup whole with chocolate milk while everyone else gobbled up their food. Afterwards we went to Shoppers, and I bought a Christmas card for my boyfriend! I went home and did my homework, finished my homework, swallowed a whole package of crushed delicious Mr. Noodles, and went to work(6-10). It got pretty busy and we were understaffed but that was okay.My works been letting me use the crushed ice and steal juice to make super yummy slushies. I put them in the fridge and used a spoon when there was no customers (but were McDonalds so we get free food all the time, and always get free drinks). Everyone finds it hilarious how I talk at work which is good (I talk funny because of my splint). I'm now almost 100% able to talk with out drooling, but I still have my emergency cloth. My friend Alec from work was laughing at me, because he didn't know I got jaw surgery. I just called him a jerk a couple times and to get over it, but he still laughed, of course I laughed too. I went home and ate 2 packages of yogurt. My whole drug count that day was I think 4 Advil and 4 blue pills (to prevent clenching).
I woke up not feeling as stiff on Day 18 (which means I wasn't clenching and the blue pills worked!). As usual I took a sinus pill (because lately my sinuses have been hurting me) and an Advil. I went to school, and oddly my incisions started hurting, that's never happened before. So my mom dropped off the Advil bottle and I continued on my way. I swallowed whole KD for lunch and jello. In my last period class, my ear started aching, I'm not sure if that was because of listening to music with headphones or not. I made some Tuscan meatball soup for after school and also had oriental Mr. Noodles for dinner. For the most part there was was no "pain". My mom also made me ginger molasses bread pudding with blueberries.
Day 15-16
Me and a few friends ordered Japanese kitkats from eBay because in Japan there is 36 different flavours. So I brought the Japanese kitkats to class so that we could split them, and the whole class was crowded around taking pictures, and other classes found out and really desperately wanted to see them too, it was legit a tourist attraction. For lunch my neighbors had made me chicken curry soup and chocolate mousse. I beautifully wrapped some of the presents for my boyfriend, because another one arrived. After school Kris came over and we watched Dexter. What truly sucks is watching Kris eat Doritos, so not fair... For dinner I ate chopped spaghetti with the fam. Once I was getting ready for bed, I realized someone threw out the last 10ml of my mouth wash! I was pretty sad about that, because I used to hate mouth wash but than grew to like its sanitary-ness. I also ate mashed canned peaches for a bedtime snack. :) By this time the pain is extremely minimal, I can take two Advil in the morning and get through a whole day of school. Than if needed I take some more Advil. Everyone pities me, which sometimes I find annoying, because they don't realize how much jaw surgery doesn't hurt. When I was walking to school, seeing as it's winter, my screws in my mouth were cold and kind of hurt, but not much. when I was walking back to school at lunch, a couple guys I know drove by and yelled through a megaphone at me, made me jump. I wrote my math test at lunch. Everyone's still finding my multicoloured cloths cute. My chins been tickly for a while, which means the feelings coming back, so that's exciting. It's a super cool feeling. I went to my 2 week post op at 330. Doctor told me everything's looking fine, and we agreed on hoping to get the splint off by Christmas He told me to (of course) make sure I'm cleaning my mouth as well as I can. He told me hes happy with how I'm healing. By this point my swelling is down a whole lot too! My cheek bones are starting to show, and my face shape is starting to come back. Kris was telling me
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working on my smile... |
he had some sort of surprise. I went to work an hour early, and he showed me it. It was my lost hard-drive. Around a year ago I dropped my laptop and my hard-drive crashed. Me and my dad(a techy) tried for months to get my information and pictures, ect. from it, but it crashed every time we tried. My boyfriend than told me he was about to format the drive when he realized it was mine. I have no idea how it got to his house, but for the longest time we all thought it got thrown out by the cleaners. I was super pumped to get an caramel sundae at work, only to find out that the ice cream machine was broken (and still is). :( Seeing as our McDs is in a plaza, I walked over to the variety store and bought an Oreo sundae. I worked 8-11 with Kris. It was my first shift back at work and it was pretty tough on me because by the end of a school day I'm already pretty tired. But it was nice to be with everyone at work again.
Woke up a little stiff because of the clenching. I believe I ate my usual baby food breakfast with vanilla protein shake in it to sweeten and give me protein. Mom made me take 4 Advil, cause my eye was hurting (we later found out it was my sinuses). I ate some beefaroni for lunch and went to work for 1-4. I bought a snack sized smoothie to snack on during work. Felt a little light headed and nauseous because I didn't eat enough lunch. Me and Kris(the boyfriend) hung out after, played trouble, drank pop, ate chicken noodle soup, played Christmas (so excited for Christmas !) music, and watched Dexter. I ate egg noodles for dinner. He left around 9:30, and I went to bed an hour or so later.
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