Me and a few friends ordered Japanese kitkats from eBay because in Japan there is 36 different flavours. So I brought the Japanese kitkats to class so that we could split them, and the whole class was crowded around taking pictures, and other classes found out and really desperately wanted to see them too, it was legit a tourist attraction. For lunch my neighbors had made me chicken curry soup and chocolate mousse. I beautifully wrapped some of the presents for my boyfriend, because another one arrived. After school Kris came over and we watched Dexter. What truly sucks is watching Kris eat Doritos, so not fair... For dinner I ate chopped spaghetti with the fam. Once I was getting ready for bed, I realized someone threw out the last 10ml of my mouth wash! I was pretty sad about that, because I used to hate mouth wash but than grew to like its sanitary-ness. I also ate mashed canned peaches for a bedtime snack. :) By this time the pain is extremely minimal, I can take two Advil in the morning and get through a whole day of school. Than if needed I take some more Advil. Everyone pities me, which sometimes I find annoying, because they don't realize how much jaw surgery doesn't hurt. When I was walking to school, seeing as it's winter, my screws in my mouth were cold and kind of hurt, but not much. when I was walking back to school at lunch, a couple guys I know drove by and yelled through a megaphone at me, made me jump. I wrote my math test at lunch. Everyone's still finding my multicoloured cloths cute. My chins been tickly for a while, which means the feelings coming back, so that's exciting. It's a super cool feeling. I went to my 2 week post op at 330. Doctor told me everything's looking fine, and we agreed on hoping to get the splint off by Christmas He told me to (of course) make sure I'm cleaning my mouth as well as I can. He told me hes happy with how I'm healing. By this point my swelling is down a whole lot too! My cheek bones are starting to show, and my face shape is starting to come back. Kris was telling me
working on my smile... |
he had some sort of surprise. I went to work an hour early, and he showed me it. It was my lost hard-drive. Around a year ago I dropped my laptop and my hard-drive crashed. Me and my dad(a techy) tried for months to get my information and pictures, ect. from it, but it crashed every time we tried. My boyfriend than told me he was about to format the drive when he realized it was mine. I have no idea how it got to his house, but for the longest time we all thought it got thrown out by the cleaners. I was super pumped to get an caramel sundae at work, only to find out that the ice cream machine was broken (and still is). :( Seeing as our McDs is in a plaza, I walked over to the variety store and bought an Oreo sundae. I worked 8-11 with Kris. It was my first shift back at work and it was pretty tough on me because by the end of a school day I'm already pretty tired. But it was nice to be with everyone at work again.
Woke up a little stiff because of the clenching. I believe I ate my usual baby food breakfast with
vanilla protein shake in it to sweeten and give me protein. Mom made me take 4 Advil, cause my eye was hurting (we later
found out it was my sinuses). I ate some beefaroni for lunch and went to work for 1-4. I bought a snack sized smoothie to snack
on during work. Felt a little light headed and nauseous because I didn't eat enough lunch. Me and Kris(the boyfriend) hung out after,
played trouble, drank pop, ate chicken noodle soup, played Christmas (so excited for Christmas !) music, and watched Dexter. I ate egg noodles for dinner. He left around 9:30, and I
went to bed an hour or so later.
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