do I work too much? Work uniform, AGAIN, but horrible holes :( |
I am exhausted at the moment from waking up so early on the weekend. Lately the inside of my lips have been hurting a lot, and that's because my brackets literally left imprint wholes in my bottom lip. I took a picture at work to show it, but I'm hesitant on posting it because people might be grossed out by it? I don't know, so sorry ahead of time is you're disturbed by the picture. I quickly thought of an obvious solution to this though, brace wax, of course. SO it's probably going to be my saviour the next few days. After work I waited for Kris to finish work, my father picked us up and we went christmas tree finding. A little before that I ate chopped noodles with this yummy sauce my dad makes. We brought the tree home, and decorated it. I've honestly felt no pain at all today, the only pain was my lip stinging from the holes, and the wax fixed that. After we decorated the tree, I ate chopped spaghetti and got dropped off at Kris' house because his mom wanted to take us to a movie, and we saw Life of Pi. We had these groupons which allowed us to get candy, so I pursued a kitkat bar. It only took an hour and 50 minutes (the four wafer size). I broke off little pieces and let it melt in my mouth/ be attacked by my almost solved drooling issue. :) Ill post more pictures later, it's just I have another 7am shift tomorrow and should head to bed. So as always I'm taking four 10mg non clenching pills and hoping for the best. I'm not sure if I'm forgetting anything. Really once you hit day 3, life goes back to normal-ish. I have my 3rd post-op appointment on Monday once again, so looking for good news. By the way, has anyone been thinking about the world ending in 13 days? I can't decide whether or not to believe it... I want to mentally prepare myself just in case, cause what if something does happen. A lot of things have been happening in my city too, teachers are going on strike, cancelling everything extra curricular, including libraries. So now, on Monday, the students of London, ON are going on strike to raise awareness. I swear, what if this becomes a war? Fortunately the extra curricular teams I WAS going to join, are in spring, so hopefully this all blows over. Or else no more sports or anything. I didn't remember that the world was "supposed" to end, until I had a dream about it ending, super real too. But I truly doubt it, I feel that in Canada we are safe from everywhere else. Because no one gives a crap about us and think we say "eh". Lately I've been saying it for the hell of it, because of the silly stereotypes. By the way, again, it's December 8th in NORTHERN CANADA, and there is not a spec of snow, its like 10 degrees. So I hoped I destroyed any stereotypes about it being cold, because global warming ended that a while ago..
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