Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Day 27

             Why hello there. I really don't have too much to say today. This morning I ate yummy soggy frootloops for breakfast.I went to class, and we had a super long and hard math test. Honestly I think this teacher will be the death of me, shes really nice, but her tests keep getting harder. Even my friend Andrew (who has like a 95 in Grade 12 Advanced Functions University Course) said it was hard and he didn't finish it either. In my second class we watched this movie called "Black Money" I think, and throughout the whole thing I just wrote notes from my teachers online slideshow the previous day. Than started to work on an assignment Sam and I are presenting Friday. I came home for lunch, and had extra creamy KD and cinnamon toast crunch as my desert. There's still no snow in Canada by the way, I blame global warming. Two years ago, London broke the record for the most amount of snow days, in a row and in general. We probably had around 4 snow days in a row, maybe more, I honestly don't remember. The first 4 were in December, and the next 4 were in January, it was great. Got really behind in school though. My mom recently recalled a story, from two years ago. I was going to head out to school, but all of the steps leading to the ground were filled in snow. Like the snow was probably 4 ft. deep. So I was trying to make my way down the stairs, when I missed a step and full body face-planted into the snow. Hehe, kind of funny right? Maybe not. I'm honestly exhausted and its only 9. Went to my last period class, there was a lesson and afterwards free time for anything. I'm extremely excited for Christmas, it is way too close. Anyways, I came home from school, and not too long after Kris popped out of nowhere. Apparently the bus driver let him off at my house this time (normally he's not allowed, because of liability). So that was unexpected. My mom order us panzerottis from Pizza Pizza. I ate half of it, cutting off pieces and swallowing it whole. It was yummy. For a while Kris and I sat downstairs and I watched flash mob videos and did a little bit of homework. We then watched this movie called "Fight Club" that he's been dying to watch with me. We didn't finish the movie because his parents came though. Which is okay with me, except he wants me to watch the ending of it on my own and I'd rather be with you guys than watch people die. I'm not going to post an update photo today, I'm too tired and I look the same as yesterday. But seeing as tomorrow is jaw surgery and I's one monthaversary, I will tomorrow. So after Kris left I went to my laptop and started writing, slash eating left over KD from lunch. It sticks with me in the night. From all of this pasta, I'm probably the only double jaw surgery patient who hasn't lost a pound. Still 116 pounds according to the scale. Moral of the story, I'm tired so goodnight!

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