Saturday, December 15, 2012

Day 29

Guys, I can't believe I never said this before. But I just have to, the key to recovery is getting to your normal routine as soon as possible. I know some of you may think sleeping all day for weeks is the trick but its not! I had recovery time for a week, the first 4 days I slept, than I started to catch up on lost homework and stay up most of the day. It feels great. It gives you such a positive excitement. Because you know that if you can do this on day 5. Think about what you could do on day 15! The more you do in a day, the faster time goes, so no pity parties. Get back to school or your job on week 2. Learn and adapt to dealing with whatever may be complicating. Use a cloth, wear a sign, I don't care. Tell the world you got jaw surgery a week ago, and you're not going to waste any second. Sleeping all day makes time go by so slow, its dreadful. Get up and go outside, seriously. I just had to say this, because what saved me from my jaw surgery was returning back to my normal life. Being at school, gave me a schedule and gave me something to do. It gave me a chance to teach people about jaw surgery and talk to people and relate. I went back to my job after 2 weeks, I dealt with my issues. I positively tell people that I have a cloth because I drool because I got jaw surgery. And they understand, they admire me from coming back to work, calling me brave and saying that they didn't expect me back so soon. Honestly, just embrace every second, the less you do in a day, the worse you feel. And get on swallowing whole as soon as you can, it saved me, legit saved me. I can eat in public and fit a spoon in my mouth. My mouth has become stronger and despite the elastics can open wider. I've learned to swallow everything whole, and eat pasta or ice cream in public. I accidentally drooled when I ate ice cream yesterday, but what I noticed was, I didn't see the drool, I felt it, on my chin! I felt it on my chin. Most people who get what I got (various relatives, friends and coworkers) waited a year! So yay me! I really want you guys to know, when I started my surgery I was in such a rut. It was horrible, I couldn't swallow water, I lived off of chicken broth, and I cried every single day. It is so much to take in. But now despite not being able to chew, and still drooling the odd time. I feel normal, and I keep forgetting I had jaw surgery. Its like a dream, I waited so many years. And now its done. I can eat and drink in public (trust me I still spill, but that's what my cloth is for, and I catch it before people notice). I know I'm such a blabber-mouth, but I can't help but be so excited. I've made it this far, and its so easy now. I have my routine, I can swallow anything whole, and gosh, it just tastes so good. Plus I'm just so excited for christmas and I applied to all my universities. This is just such a big year, and I made it! I just I don't even know. I guess I have so much to say, so ill stop, I know you get the point. But key points: swallow food whole as soon as you can, things with carbs that keep you full. And find things to substitute for cravings. For me, my sugary cereals substitute for someone else's popcorn or chips. Eat it soggy of course, and get the cereals that have lots of flavour and flavour the milk. I'm so repetitive aren't I... I really just hope that anyone who reads this, just try it out, be as normal as you can. And try soggy cereals for me and tell me your experience!

So today I ate frootloops for breakfast for breakfast, and headed to school, as always. Okay so I honestly don't know what's going on with the weather over here, normally by now its -30 degrees Celsius, and there's snow, but no, there's no snow, its very warm, like 5 degrees Celsius, and birds are flying around tweeting, not hibernating. It feels like spring, I don't get it. I ate three cheese kd and cinnamon toast crunch for lunch. And that's about it I think. I went to see the hobbit with kris today. I ate a whole chocolate bar, bag of gummies and a few pieces of popcorn. So honestly guys, I still can't chew, but that annoying drool and saliva in your mouth can. Use it to your advantage, mines like an army, and eats all the popcorn so fast, like I've trained it. So yeah, don't give up :)

I also went to the mall after the movie, to get my sisters present, moms, dads, and a secret santa present. Sadly my work called and asked me to work 7am tomorrow, and I couldn't say no. So I think its been 2 weeks straight where I haven't slept in once, because I wake up at 6am for work, and 7am for school. At the mall I had chicken teriyaki, and yes, I swallowed it all whole. Hmmm, what else, overall today was productive, and I'm looking forward to my break tomorrow.

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